Pulling a desired JOB in all works of life requires one to know some ethics binding a work place.
The absolute thing one should have at the back of his mind is, will I dully serve in this job I am taking? If not the best thing one could do is make a research on what he or she really wants.
It is also of great need to make a research profile about the new job and organization He/She is to work. All this will stand as a backup for any history delay.
The following are general rules :
Think good of others and they will become good. Seek the best in your colleagues and refrain from discussing them with others in the workplace.
Don't discuss your salary with your colleagues.
Refrain form critique, rather seek solutions.
Never lie or steal anything in the office.
Don't misuse company equipment, stationary, and time.
Build a reputation of trustworthiness, integrity and being able to keep deadlines.
Don't make fun of your colleagues.
Never swear, use foul language, or partake in profanity.
Don't yell or humiliate others.
Keep your promises.